VIZUALISTION doesn’t work?!

Personal development gurus tell us to do mental visualization on a regular basis if we want to achieve our goals. They advise us to visualize the moment we are crossing the finish line and reaching our dreams. I'm here to tell you that this is bad advice. This is actually incomplete advice that can actually decrease your chances of reaching success! 

  Research in positive psychology has shown us that we need to do TWO other mental visualization activities on a regular basis in order to increase our chances of achieving our goals:

   Number ONE is to visualize all the necessary actions steps that we need to take in order to get to the finish line.  For example, if you're dieting and you want to lose weight you need to visualize what kind of meals you need to prepare and what kind of physical activities you need to do on a regular basis.

   Number TWO is to visualize how you are going to overcome the hurdles and setbacks along the way. Again if you're dieting, and you want to lose weight, you need to think about how you would react if someone offered you a really yummy dessert or a really delicious meal and a fancy party. now, combined together, all of these three activities can actually increase your chances of getting success.

   If you're interested to learn proven science backed practical strategies to increase your performance and impact, please follow me, Shahab Anari, on social media!


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